Electric Vehicles
Pure electric vehicles have zero exhaust emissions, which means they do not emit any harmful exhaust emissions in the local environment. For more information about electric vehicles please visit Energy Saving Trust
Energy Saving Trust presents ways to EV drivers to reduce the cost of recharging their vehicles. Among the info provided, there is a table with cost comparisons for different ways of charging and how this is compared to the cost of filling up a petrol or diesel car.
Although the upfront cost of purchasing an electric vehicle is higher, savings are made in the longer term with lower running costs. Electric vehicles have lower servicing and maintenance costs due to having fewer mechanical components. Home chargers continue to be the cheapest method. To find out the costs for electric charging please visit RAC Charge Watch
Electric Charging Points
To find out your nearest charging point please look at Zap Map which shows you where your nearest charging point is. There is also further information on their website about buying an electric car, how much it will cost you to charge it as well as lots of other useful tools.
Electric Vehicle Charge Points in Wokingham borough
We have produced FAQs to answer your questions about electric vehicle charge points in Wokingham borough which can be found under Related Downloads.
Future on-street EV charge point locations
To help us plan and submit our future funding applications for on-street charge point locations, we are considering individual request from residents who do not have access to a private driveway or garage.
Please email your details (including your address) to: evon-streetchargepoints@wokingham.gov.uk
Your address will be taken into consideration in our analysis as and when funding becomes available. Please note we cannot guarantee that we will be able to provide a charge point in your street but will aim to have one within a short walk if possible.